The Best from Spain!

Damm is a prominent brewery in the Barcelona. The Dam Brewery has existed since 1876, when young master brewer and founder August Damm Küntzmann emigrated from Alsace, fleeing the Franco-Prussian War. Now is Damm an independent brewery. It has one of the most modern production facilities in Europe. Damm is producing a wide range of beers: Estrella Damm, Inedit, Keler, Voll, Daura...

International Quality Awards:
2007 - Gold Medal: WBA (World's Best Marzen / Oktoberfestbier): Voll Damm (Seasonal Lager)
2008 - Gold Medal: WBA (World's Best Gluten Free Beer): Estrella Damm Apta Para Celiacos (Gluten-free Speciality Beer)
2009 - Gold Medal: WBA (World's Best Gluten Free Beer): Estrella Damm Apta Para Celiacos (Gluten-free Speciality Beer)
2010 - Gold Medal: WBA (Europe's Best Strong Lager): Keler 18 (Strong Lager)
2010 - Gold Medal: WBA (Europe's Best Spiced Wheat Beer): Damm Inedit (Belgian Style Witbier)
2011 - Gold Medal: WBA (World's Best Premium Lager): Keler 18 (Premium Lager)
2011 - Gold Medal: WBA (World's Best Gluten Free Lager): Estrella Damm Daura (Gluten-free Lager)
2014 - Gold Medal: WBA (Europe Gold): Free Damm (Alcohol Free Lager)
2014 - Gold Medal: WBA (Europe Gold): Estrella Damm Daura (Gluten-free Lager)
2015 - Silver Medal: U.S. Open Beer Championship: Daura Damm (Near Gluten-Free Beer)

In České Budějovice we will taste:
Estrella Damm (Strong Pale Beer)
Keler (Strong Pale Beer)
Voll Damm (Semi-dark Beer)
Inedit Damm (Unfiltered Beer)
Free Damm (Non-alcoholic Beer)

On Sunday, October 13, Mr. Alois Srb died suddenly and unexpectedly, full of life force and vigour. He was the founder of the tradition of beer festivals and beer festivals in the Czech Republic. For 34 years he organized with great enthusiasm, love and incredible energy the Beer Festival in Tábor, the International Beer Festival in České Budějovice and Litoměřice.

He left suddenly, leaving the 35th edition of the festival on his desk and many other plans in his head.

Honour his memory!

Alois Srb